
Make (Zoom) Meetings Engaging Again

We have become too familiar with Zoom (and other remote) meetings.  These are functional. They can be efficient. And often, they are practical. But are they engaging?

Case Study: Warm Winter Fuzzies from Ouachita Baptist University

Winter break for college students is normally a lengthy vacation. I recall I always enjoyed the downtime, the home cooked meals, and the holiday. But I fondly remember that when it was time to start the spring semester, I was more than ready to return to campus. But when you add to that break, a pandemic that includes remote classes that began weeks or months before the Holiday break, the time away from campus can seem like an eternity.

Promo Product Trends for 2021

Promotional products continue to be some of the most high-impact, cost-effective advertising tools around. While 2020 was certainly a…unique year for many reasons, many of the product trends that emerged will continue well into 2021.

It’s The Thought That Counts

Relocating a family is one thing, but what about moving a family business?  And one that has been accumulating stuff for 54 years?

It’s Time to Move Along

Relocating a family is one thing, but what about moving a family business?  And one that has been accumulating stuff for 54 years?

No sagging banners, signs

Stop the Sagging

The $1,000,000 News Conference

With the announcement of a $1 million dollar grant from the U.S. Economic Development Administration, The Arkansas Regional Innovation Hub needed a polished and attractive backdrop for the press conference stage.  Not only would it be in the spotlight of the media, but also be host a number of important local, state and federal leaders.  SignsXM provided them with a 9’ x 7’ step and repeat backdrop, as well as two 3’ x 6’ foot retractable banner stands. customxm_hubconference_casestudy2

“In addition to helping us prepare for a major news announcement, we looked to the creativity of CustomXM to give our new location a sense of permanence. The interior and exterior signage and graphics they produced accomplished both with great success.”  – Warwick Sabin 

SignsXM also provided The Hub with window decals to add additional exterior branding to an exterior that is still a work in progress. A large acrylic contour cut Launch Pad sign greets the guest from the entrance facing Broadway.


“The banners and backdrops created by CustomXM not only allow us to brand internally, we also use them for events and activities outside of the Innovation Hub.” – Warwick Sabin

The $1 million dollar grant will allow the Hub to complete building renovations, including establishing the Silver Mine co-working space.


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