Why You Need a Marketing Bucket List

pstrack bubbleWritten by Paul Strack

Bucket List Banner big

Do you have a bucket list?

You know, a list of those things you want to complete before you die (or, kick the bucket)?

It’s quite an interesting concept. You compile a list of the top five, ten or even 100 experiences you want to hold yourself accountable for before the inevitable happens.  A quick search will reveal the desires to see the Northern Lights, go sky diving, climb a volcano or ride a bull.  Some even had a desire to bathe an elephant. (I initially read that as bathe “with” an elephant, which if done carelessly would most likely be that last item on a bucket list.)

The idea is that you perform these tasks in order to get the most out of life. This list inspires us. It motivates us. It encourages us to try new things. It keeps us moving forward; evolving and possibly, without us even knowing, makes us better.

Goals do that. Anything that we write down, make measurable and holds us accountable generally has a better chance of getting done. Humans are funny that way.

Businesses are too.

As market conditions change, businesses – and business owners – must adapt. Often, it’s necessary for those involved in business marketing to refocus and reignite their promotional efforts. But the day-to-day rigors often keep us stagnant. We are creatures of habit, and often stuck in the status quo. And our colleagues, not to mention spouses, won’t let us go ride a bull for inspiration.

So here’s an idea – create a Marketing Bucket list.

Write down 3, 5 or 10 action items that will inspire you to motivate not only yourself, but the brand you represent.  Maybe your logo needs a refresh or even a total reboot.  What about adding some new motivational quotes along your office walls?

But I know you’re busy. You are trying to decide if it should be Mt. Everest or Kilimanjaro as Bucket List Item #7.  I get that.  We’re here to help.

We’ve prepared our own Marketing Bucket List for you – Download it here.

Now get started… get inspired…get moving… you never know when you may kick the….

So here’s an idea – create a Marketing Bucket list.

Write down 3, 5 or 10 action items that will inspire you to motivate not only yourself, but the brand you represent.  Maybe your logo needs a refresh or even a total reboot.  What about adding some new motivational quotes along your office walls?

But I know you’re busy. You are trying to decide if it should be Mt. Everest or Kilaminjaro as Bucket List Item #7.  I get that.  We’re here to help.

We’ve prepared our own Marketing Bucket List for you – Download it here.

Now get started… get inspired…get moving… you never know when you may kick the….